‘The State of Our Rights’ – report and resources now live
People with learning disabilities continue to experience long-term, systemic discrimination. Their lives are deeply affected by this in so many ways from birth onwards.
Despite some positive developments over the last 30 years, the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD)’s latest report, ‘The State of Our Rights’, clearly shows that many people are unable to live the life they want because of ongoing institutional and individual stigma and discrimination.
This has to change. That is why SCLD and our partners are committed to making sure that the substantive human rights detailed in the United Nations Convention of Rights of Person’s with Disabilities (UNCRPD) are incorporated into our own domestic legal framework in Scotland.
We know that this process is complicated and challenging, however people with learning disabilities are not demanding anything special or different. They merely want to have their human rights respected, protected and fulfilled in the same way as every other Scottish citizen. The current Scottish legislative framework does not provide this.
SCLD is committed to working with people with learning disabilities, the Scottish Government and our partners, to make this a reality, and to deliver transformative change for people with learning disabilities and their families, friends and supporters.
Download our report and consultation resources
The Scottish Government is currently consulting on the proposed Scottish Human Rights Bill. SCLD is preparing a submission to the consultation, however we have also developed a set of resources for people with learning disabilities, service providers and organisations.
The resources are designed to help you consider the issues in detail whilst preparing your submission. This is alongside SCLD’s state of the nation report on human rights issues impacting people with learning disabilities in Scotland.
You can download the resources below:
- The State of Our Rights – full report
- The State of Our Rights – Easy Read summary
- Rights Here, Rights Now! A briefing for organisations and service providers on the new Human Rights Bill for Scotland
- Rights Here, Rights Now! – Easy Read briefing for people with learning disabilities on the new Human Rights Bill for Scotland
- Template letter response to the consultation on the new Human Rights Bill for Scotland for people with learning disabilities.
- Rights Here, Rights Now! SCLD Human Rights Bill Briefing Summary (PowerPoint Presentation)
If you would like to find out more about human rights landscape for people with learning disabilities in Scotland, you can watch our interactive presentation.
Please email SCLD at admin@scld.co.uk if you have any questions about the resources.
For more resources from SCLD, please visit our ‘Resources & Publications’ webpage.