Human Rights and Policy
SCLD projects under ‘Human Rights and Policy’ include:
- State of Our Rights report and resources
- Work around Scottish Government’s Consultation on Human Rights (Scotland) Bill
- UN Treaty incorporation project
- Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity (LDAN) Bill
- Scottish Mental Health Law Review (SMHLR) and reform
- SCLD Human Rights Lived Experience Board
- Restraint Reduction Scotland (RRS) network
- Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Community of Practice Scotland
- Gender Based Violence project (funded by Inspiring Scotland via Delivering Equally Safe)
- Further development of our Human Rights Town app
- Access to justice for people with learning disabilities
- Participation in National COVID-19 Enquiry
- Housing: SCLD Housing Advisory Group, Horizon Housing Working Group, Inclusive Living Alliance with University of Stirling, work on Scottish Government’s Coming Home report.
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