Codes of Practice and Data Protection

National Statistics 

In 2016, the UK Statistics Authority designated Learning Disability Statistics Scotland (LDSS) statistics as National Statistics on the basis of a clear description of their current limitations.  National Statistics status means that the statistics are bound by the Code of Practice for Statistics and meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value.

In December 2021 SCLD made the decision, supported by the Office For Statistics Regulation, to temporarily suspend the National Statistics badging for the 2021 collection, due to issues arising from the merger of LDSS into the Source Social Care data collection.

Pre-Release Access to the Statistics

LDSS allows pre-release access to the statistics to people who will need to comment publicly on the statistics when they are released. This is to make sure they are able to understand the statistics and what they tell us before they make any comment. These people have to follow a set of rules called the “Pre-Release Access Order” . You can read about these rules here.

Please see a list of organisations and individuals who have had pre-release access to the latest statistics release here.

Data Protection

The LDSS team has undertaken a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for the LDSS collection.

The DPIA reports on and assesses any potential privacy impacts as a result of the LDSS collection.

You can read the DPIA here.

The LDSS team has written a privacy notice for the LDSS collection to make people aware of how we safely store data and protect confidentiality. The privacy notice also explains the purposes for which personal data are collected and used, how the data are used and disclosed, how long it is kept, and our legal basis for processing

You can read the privacy notice here.

If you have any questions about the LDSS collection you can contact our Evidence & Data Adviser by emailing