Let’s get Active, Connected and Included!
The Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD) has produced a set of documents to help people with learning disabilities to become more included in their local communities.
The Active, Connected, Included project has been developed in collaboration with a number of local organisations, including community groups, local authorities and Third Sector Interface (TSI) organisations. SCLD met with people in areas across Scotland, including Fife, Orkney and Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray to help develop the resources through sharing lived and professional experience. We then tested the resource in North Ayrshire to refine it into the four documents that now make up the Active, Connected, Included pack.
Each document is aimed at a different audience:
- ‘Active, Connected, Included: Your right to being included in community life’ is an Easy Read statement of rights for people with learning disabilities, explaining their right to be included in their local communities.
- ‘Active, Connected, Included: The thinking behind the ‘Active, Connected, Included’ approach’ explains the theory behind the practical guidance for support workers, community organisations and families.
- ‘Active, Connected, Included: Guidance, questions and tips for people who run community groups’ offers practical advice for group leaders and volunteers on how to better include people with learning disabilities.
- ‘Active, Connected, Included: Guidance, questions and tips for supporters and families’ offers practical advice for support workers and families on how to help people with learning disabilities become more included in community life.
SCLD hopes that these resources will help people with learning disabilities, those who support them and people who run community activities and groups to work together.
To order
There are a limited number of printed resources available. To order, please email admin@scld.co.uk or phone 0141 248 3733. If you have any questions about the resources, please contact SCLD’s Strategic Lead: Participation and Partnerships, Andy Miller.