Impact of Universal Credit on people with a disability: Lessons to be learned and the way forward in Scotland
Date & time: Thur 24th May 2018 (9.30am – 12.45pm)
Venue: Brodies LLP, 110 Queen Street, Glasgow, G1 3BX
Universal Credit was devised by the Coalition Government at Westminster to simplify benefits, ensure it paid to be in work, tackle poverty and reduce fraud and error. Not initially intended to reduce budgets it was to be paid out at broadly similar rates as the legacy benefits it replaced. In 2015 the Budget Autumn Statement significantly reformed the way Universal Credit is calculated, making it less generous, and the Institute of Fiscal Studies expected more families to lose than gain under the revised calculations.
East Lothian was selected as the first Scottish local authority to implement full service Universal Credit and the region’s Citizens Advice Bureau commissioned research into the financial, emotional and social impacts on its clients. East Lothian Council also reviewed the impact of Universal Credit on its income and the effect it was having on benefit claimants.
This half day seminar will consider what lessons can be learned from the East Lothian experience and hear from representatives from Scottish & local government and 3rd sector organisations on what needs to be done to create a fairer, more equitable and efficient benefit system in Scotland that treats people with dignity and respect.
The first part of the seminar will look at a case study of the East Lothian experience with speakers from CAB, East Lothian Council and ELCAP and the second part will look at the way forward in Scotland with a panel discussion with participants from Scottish & local government and the 3rd sector.
Confirmed Speakers:
• Chris Creegan, Chief Executive, SCLD
• Yvonne Cassidy & Sarah Baldry – East Lothian Citizens Advice Bureau
• John Cunningham, Service Manager, Benefits & Administration, East Lothian Council
• Sylvia Archibald & Irene McArthy – ELCAP
• David Wallace, Social Security Agency Implementation, Scottish Government
• Steven McAvoy, ENABLE
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