Easy Read Information
Easy Read is one form of accessible information. Easy Read is about making written information easier to understand. Easy Read documents use short simple sentences with pictures.
Easy Read documents are one way to make information more accessible to people with learning disabilities.
Personalised Easy Read
These are documents that are designed for one person or a small group of people. For example, people who go to the same club. Remember it might be easier to talk to the person or small group and use the Easy Read information to help the discussion
For large groups
These will be documents that will be used by lots of people with learning disabilities. An example is the Keys to life Implementation Framework and Priorities that needs to reach lots of people with learning disabilities across Scotland.
The keys to life Implementation Framework and Priorities Easy Read
Other Communication Techniques
Easy Read documents will not meet the communication needs of everyone with learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities use a whole array of communication supports. Some examples of other ways people communicate include:
- Speaking directly with someone
- Makaton
- Caanan Barrie ‘on body’ sign system
- Gesture, vocalisation and facial expression
- Intensive interaction
- Objects of reference
- Talking Mats
- Audio and film
- Technology
Equality Act 2010
Equality Act 2010 under reasonable adjustments, public bodies are obliged to make information accessible to disabled people. It is the organisation’s responsibility to act proactively to create accessible information. Failure to provide reasonable accommodation in the form of accessible information can be considered discrimination under equality legislation.