Scoping people with learning disabilities’ experience of housing in Scotland
SCLD has commissioned IPSOS MORI to conduct a scoping exercise exploring people with learning disabilities’ experience of housing. The project aims to provide a picture of the current housing landscape for people with learning disabilities in Scotland, with a focus on the degree of choice available to individuals and any differences in experience due to factors such as demographics or geography. It aims to assess the contribution of housing as an enabler to the strategic objectives within The Keys to Life Strategy and highlight learning for wider policy and practice.
The voice of lived experience is central and the project will be informed by interviews with individuals with a range of experiences and from a mixture of tenures. It will also include input from The Keys to Life Expert Group. Consultation with stakeholders will focus on three local authorities areas: Glasgow, Aberdeenshire and Stirling. This will include interviews with local authority housing managers, national and local providers of supported housing and housing support and learning disability team managers.
The project is funded by the Scottish Government and is being guided by an advisory group of housing and learning disability professionals. The research phase of the project is nearing completion and the published report is expected to be launched in the autumn. Information about the report launch will be shared on in due course.