Leadership Webinar

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

We are pleased to announce that registrations for our leadership webinar, in collaboration with Global leadership Exchange are now live. The webinar which will be hosted via zoom will discuss SCLD’s international work on leadership. If you’d like to attend you can do so by visiting this link: https://forms.office.com/e/fXKE2eASEa Or you can register by emailing us on events@scld.co.uk or calling 0141 248 3733

Introducing: James Innes, Project Advisor

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

Hello, my name is James and I’m one of the Project Advisors at SCLD. To date, I am their newest recruit, having started on the 2nd of December, 2024. Before joining SCLD, I was a Primary School Teacher in Edinburgh for 5 years. My favourite part of the role was building positive relationships, supporting pupils to lead their learning and …

Understanding Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) free interactive learning resource.

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

Developing PBS skills and good practice in PBS is a key element in supporting better lives for people with learning disabilities and complex needs. This innovative learning resource provides a comprehensive introduction to PBS for practitioners in health and social care who support people with learning disabilities. It will also be helpful for those working in education settings, and for …

SCLD’s Chief Executive, Simon Webster, gives evidence to the Equalities, Human Rights, and Civil Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament.

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

SCLD’s Chief Executive, Simon Webster, gave evidence to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament this week. The Commission works to promote respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights of people with learning disabilities. The Scottish Government recently decided not to introduce a Bill on learning disability, autism and neurodiversity during this session of the …

Supporting people with learning disabilities who have experienced domestic violence and abuse through Fairness Informed Practice

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

As part of our work to end violence against women and girls with learning disabilities, SCLD has been collaborating with Dr Gavin Hutchison from the University of Bristol, to embed his groundbreaking new framework into our upcoming accessibility audit toolkit. The toolkit is a practical set of resources designed to support organisations to make their services accessible to women with …

Introducing: Iain Gillon, Marketing & Communications Assistant

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

Hi, my name is Iain, I’m Marketing & Communications Assistant at SCLD. I’ve been here since the end of September, so I’m still fairly new in. Prior to joining the team I worked at organizations including Cancer Support Scotland, Covid Aid and Queens Cross Housing Association. In my free time, I try to keep fairly busy; I have a lifelong …

Inclusive Recruitment Case Study

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

🌟 What Does Inclusive Recruitment Look and Feel Like? 🌟 When we set out to recruit our next Chief Executive, we committed to a truly inclusive process. The result? A recruitment journey filled with collaboration, accessibility, and meaningful engagement.  

Leave A Gift In Your Will To SCLD

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

Include a charitable Gift in your Will  A Will is an important legal document that determines what happens to your assets after you die. Every adult should have a Will, as you decide who executes your Will and who inherits your estate/assets – your Beneficiaries.   We all know we should do it now – but we often put it off.   …

Supported Decision-Making Seminars

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

SCLD held two online workshops in August and September, to discuss how Supported Decision Making (SDM) can be embedded in Scotland.  The first event focussed on current practice in Scotland, looked at some of the controversies and challenges relating to SDM and heard the views of people with learning disabilities and family carers.  The second event focused on current proposals …

Adults With Incapacity Act Consultation

Iain GillonSCLD Publication

SCLD has submitted our response to the Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act Consultation.  This was informed by two seminars we held in August and September with people with learning disabilities, their families and carers and other stakeholders.  SCLD broadly supports the Scottish Government’s proposals to update the Adults with Incapacity Act but we believe much greater change is required to …